My story
Since I was a little boy, I was always doing something extra. I have always been the class chairman or the president of the school board. I was organizing events or school camps all the time. When I turned 18, many things changed. My dad passed away and overnight I become the head of my family. Suddenly I had to take care not only for myself, but also for the people close to me. That is why I had to start making money as a gardener, a window cleaner or an unloader of cargo truck. In addition, I started to work as a journalist at Denik and later on also at several internet media outlets and at the Czech Radio.

I applied to the university in Ceske Budejovice and I graduated in two study programs. I wanted to also gather some experience abroad so my journey took me to Rome where I graduated Papal Salesian University. To afford a life in Rome, I made some extra money as a cook. When I returned back home, I graduated in journalism in Brno and started my own business.

During my studies I was interested in marketing and crisis communication and I established my first company in this field in 2004. Later I was a director of two other companies. I was offering my services to small businesses, international corporations, the government and ministries.

I am father of four wonderful kids. The activities of a MEP are extremely time-consuming and I constantly have to commute between Hradec Králové, Brussels and Strasbourg. However, I try to spend every free moment with my family. When I need to clean my head, I go for a run or play squash. Sport in general is the most relaxing activity for me.

I have always been interested in politics. That is why I decided in 2006 to join KDU-ČSL, Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party. I realized that if I want to change something, I have to become a firm part of it. I also managed to get an internship in the European parliament, which enthused me at the first sight. Three years later in 2009, I ran for the European Parliament for the first time. I was 14th on the list of my party and my candidacy was of course unsuccessful. In 2014, I ran for the European Parliament as number three on the list and this time I succeeded. I became a Member of the European Parliament. In 2019, thanks to your support, I made it again. This is why I can still be MEP to protect your interests.

Personal information
Tomáš Zdechovský (Mgr. et Mgr. et Mgr.)
2. 11. 1979
Havlíčkův Brod
+32 2 28 47780
Education (qualifications and diplomas)
Doktorské studium na Zdravotně sociální fakultě Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích
Ukončeno titulem Ph.D.
Studium na Moravské akademii
Obor Business Management in Practice, ukončeno titulem MBA
Master's degree in Media Studies and Journalism, specialising in Crisis communications
Faculty of Social Sciences, Masaryk University, Brno
Representative of the University of South Bohemia in the Student Chamber of the Council of Universities
Certified university exam, Italian language studies at Pontificia studiorum University of Salesiana
Facolta Litterarum Christianarum et Classicarum, Pontificium Institu-tum Altioris Latinitatis, Rome
Bachelor's degree, Social Communication Sciences, specialising in Political Communications (campaigns)
Salesian Pontifical University, Rome
Member of the Student Chamber of the Council of Universities (SK RVŠ)
Double Master's qualification as social/pastoral assistant (Humanities Faculty) and part-time teacher (Education Faculty)
University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
Všeobecné gymnázium, Ledeč nad Sázavou
Professional career
Member of the European Parliament
Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)
President of the Union of European Federalists in the Czech Republic
Director of the company WIFI Czech Republic
WIFI Czech Republic
Director of the company Brain2Win
PR and Media Consultant
Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic
PR and Media Consultant
Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic
PR and Media Consultant
Office of the Government of the Czech Republic
Manager and Advisor to the Acting Governor of Pardubicky kraj
Hejtman Pardubického kraje
Crisis and Media Consultant to the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Czech Republic and the Minister for Regional Development of the Czech Republic
Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic
PR and Media Consultant
Parliament of the Czech Republic
PR and Media Consultant and election manager to the deputy chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
Director of the company, s.r.o.
PR and Media Consultant to the Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
Parliament of the Czech Republic
Establishment of PR Agency
Specializing in media consultation and crisis communications.
Director of the portal
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Šéf-editor zpravodajství Magazínu
Start of cooperation with regional media (Havlíčkův Brod)
Bohemia (Vysočina), Právo, Ledečské noviny, Katolický týdeník (zvláštní zpravodaj v Římě), IKD, Regionalist, časopis AD, Cesta Vysočiny, TS ČBK,, HBin, Fakta Press,, ČRo Radiožurnál, ČRo České Budějovice, Rádio Vatikán, Rádio Proglas, HBin, ČT.
Articles and publications
Zdechovský T., Konfiskace zvonů za 2. světové války v Ledči a okolí, In Sborník Havlíčkobrodské společnosti pro povznesení regionálně-historického povědomí č.1, Havlíčkův Brod: SOkA HB, OkVM HB, 2002, s. 56–57.
Zdechovský T., Náboženské poměry a rekatolizace na panství ledečském, In Havlíčkobrodsko č. 20 (vlastivědný sborník) – Havlíčkův Brod: Okres. vlas. Muzeum a SOkA v Havlíčkově Brodě, 2006.
Zdechovský T., Návrh praporu a znaku obce Kožlí, In Sborník Havlíčkobrodské společnosti pro povznesení regionálně-historického povědomí č.1, Havlíčkův Brod: SOkA HB, OkVM HB, 2002, s. 18–19.
Zdechovský T., Poznámky k dějinám zaniklé farnosti Kožlí, In Havlíčkobrodsko č. 16 (vlastivědný sborník) – Havlíčkův Brod: Okres. vlas. Muzeum a SOkA v Havlíčkově Brodě, 2001, s. 198–214.
Zdechovský T., Příspěvek k průběhu a výsledků pobělohorské rekatolizace v havlíčkobrodském regionu, In Havlíčkobrodsko č. 19 (vlastivědný sborník) – Havlíčkův Brod: Okres. vlas. Muzeum a SOkA v Havlíčkově Brodě, 2005, s. 37–55.
Zdechovský T., Ranně renesanční dům č. 76 v Ledči nad Sázavou, In Havlíčkobrodsko č. 20 (vlastivědný sborník) – Havlíčkův Brod: Okres. vlas. Muzeum a SOkA v Havlíčkově Brodě, 2006.
Zdechovský, T. 2007. A Short Discussion of Crisis Management – Practical Experience with the 2006 Electoral Campaign in the Czech Republic, In Středoevropská studie (Central European Political Studies Review), Brno, Mezinárodní politologický ústav Masarykovy univerzity, vol. IX, Numer 2–3, pp.139-150.
Zdechovský T., Zajímavé architektonické detaily ledeč. děkanského kostela, In Sborník Havlíčkobrodské společnosti pro povznesení regionálně-historického povědomí č.1, Havlíčkův Brod: SOkA HB, OkVM HB, 2001, s. 35–36.
Zdechovský T., Moderní metody tréninku sportovců pomocí neurotechnologií, In Psychologie sportu v praxi 2012 aneb Nedílná součást přípravy sportovce (Ed: Blahutková – Pacholík), Brno: MU, 2012, s. 193 - 198
Zdechovský T., Člověka v kampani ničím nenahradíš, In Zpravodaj IPES 2005/00.
Zdechovský T., Křesťanští demokraté z pohledu politické komunikace, In Obzory č. 2 (7/2005), ročník 2, s. 49–52.
Zdechovský T., Negativní kampaně jako prostředek k poškození image kandidáta,, též In Zpravodaj IPES 2006/03.
Zdechovský T., Kritická reflexe a vědecké hledání pravdy,, též In Zpravodaj IPES 2006/04.
Zdechovský T., Poznámky k návrhu vlajky města Chlumec nad Cidlinou (Comments to the Třebechovice municipal flag), In, Zpravodaj střediska vexilologických informací (The bulletin of the flag date centre), březen–duben 2006.
Zdechovský T., Poznámky k návrhu vlajky města Třebechovice (Comments to the Třebechovice municipal flag), In, Zpravodaj střediska vexilologických informací (The bulletin of the flag date centre), červenec–srpen 2006.
Pleva F., Ledečské dominanty, Děkanský kostel sv. Petra a Pavla, Ledeč nad Sázavou: Město Ledeč nad Sázavou
Zdechovský T., Ze zahrady mé milé…poezie, Svitavy: Trinitas 2008
Zdechovský T., Odpusť mým rtům…, Svitavy: Trinitas 2009
Zdechovský T., Intimní doteky, Svitavy: Trinitas 2010
Zdechovský T., Nekonečné ticho, Svitavy: Trinitas 2013
Zdechovský T., Kapka, Svitavy: Trinitas 2016